Thursday, March 26, 2009

Geeks for Jesus Wiki Started

The Geeks for Jesus (it's morphed a bit from 'Christ') group has just started a Wiki. You can find out about our initiative here. Wikis are a style of website that is created collaboratively as a variety of people expand and modify the content. The most famous Wiki, of course, is Wikipedia. Wikis are excellent for accumulating community knowledge. So we started one to begin organizing our thought about technology and the church.

Stay Tuned!


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The ARC Gets a Blog

I set up a new blog for the ARC--The Anglican Resource Centre. Browse over there to see the latest on that project. We just finished a grant application. Cross your fingers...


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Christ-Centred Character Initiative

Here is Catherine Keating (Deacon at St. John's, York Mills) talking about the Christ-Centred Character initiative that we co-founded. Right now I'm polishing up a Grant application due next week. Cross your fingers...
